It’s Colleges Week 2021! Starting today and running until Friday 22nd October, this is a chance to join us in sharing the love and acknowledging all the fantastic things colleges from across the country have achieved in the past year.

Due to COVID-19, this year has been marked as one of the most challenging, so there will be many inspiring stories in which colleges have supported businesses, individuals, and communities around them. There has been an array of positive responses in previous College Weeks: marches in Parliament, reaching trending topics, songs, and many more, so without a doubt this will prove to be one of the best.

For the first time ever, the campaign has introduced a theme! All their activities and things they have planned surround the theme “Get in, go further”- which consists of two messages to highlight the epitome of brilliance in colleges, showcasing all the great things they do day to day and learning about the journeys they take their students on.

Through the past academic year, colleges have made a difference in many ways. Here are some that we have found to be inspiring:

We are proud to be supporting colleges as they make a huge impact in the lives of their students, staff, and local communities. From upskilling and supporting our teaching staff with new training opportunities, they’re always evolving and refreshing their skills to deliver the best learning to all those in education. We enjoy supporting colleges to find the right talent for them – talent that will create more of the wonderful success stories sure to be featured in the next College’s Week!

Join us in celebrating colleges throughout this week and let us know about some of the fantastic things your local college has achieved this past year. You can reach us on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Facebook and remember to use the hashtag #LoveOurColleges.

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