Keeping active can be hard at the best of times, never mind when you’re staring at the same four walls all day! Finding motivation may be tricky, but you can do it – here are a few ideas to get you started.

Following on from our recent blog surrounding looking after your mental health, we thought it would be great to put together a guide on how to take care of your physical health too!

You may usually be a gym-goer, a yoga expert or a running fanatic and whilst you may not be able to do these things in your usual way – they can all be done from home, and there’s lots of options for beginners too!


Caroline Inspired has loads of great videos online for both adults and children that can all be done in comfort of your own home! They include stretching videos to get you prepared for the day, along with full yoga sessions ranging from 10-20 minutes.  All the videos can be viewed here.

Gym-style workouts

There are LOADS of gym-style workout variations that you can do from home, and most can be done with no equipment at all!

Bodyweight circuits, or High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT) are great ways to get moving and work up a sweat with minimal equipment and space. You can use things you find around the house, such as water bottles for weights or a chair for a step (but please be careful!).

There are lots of home-workouts available for free online, companies such as Gymshark have a free app that they are uploading workouts to every day, all led by fitness professionals. Youtube also have a wealth of workouts you can follow, from beginners to intermediate, there’s something for everyone, even the kids with Joe Wicks streaming live PE sessions! There are also lots of online classes, such as Zumba being held on video apps like Zoom, so you still get the social side of exercise that you would during a regular class.

Keep it simple

If you’d rather just keep it simple and go for a walk, or run (adhering to the lockdown rules, of course!) then why not try taking a different route every evening? Or timing your route and challenging yourself to beat it? Just because it is simple, doesn’t mean it has to be boring!

Winding down…

You may find you are struggling to wind down with all the uncertainty that is going on in the world at the moment, but relaxation and a good nights sleep are so important to your physical and mental health. You may find watching your favourite TV show, cooking, reading or art relaxes you after a long day – ensure you make time in your schedule to allow for these things! If you’re finding yourself tossing and turning at night, unable to fall asleep, why not try Sleep Meditation – apps such as Headspace & Calm offer great sleeping support tools.






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