As part of our celebrations for our 25th anniversary we sat down with some of our staff members who also happen to share our year of birth! Today we’re speaking to Charlotte who is a recruitment consultant in our North Team.

  1. What do you like about working at Protocol?

I think the most stand out thing is the people. Everyone is lovely, the atmosphere on the floor is a great one to work in and everybody is always upbeat and motivated. Second to this would be the opportunity for development and progression. The company hold regular training sessions and provide plentiful opportunities to progress within my role. This is helpful especially having not worked in recruitment before and gives a sense determination to progress within my career.

  1. What do you enjoy most about your role?

I enjoy the flexibility that comes with the position. Every day is different which keeps things exciting. I’m also in charge of my own desk which means I can prioritise my own workload and am in charge of my own success.

I also enjoy the variety of jobs that come into the company, this gives a huge range of positions to work on from week to week, giving me the opportunity to understand each role and learn about all the different subjects out there.

  1. How do you find working in your team?

I love my team. From the moment I started here they have been nothing but helpful and supportive. There is a healthy competitive spirit between me and the other resourcers which keeps things fun. The senior members of the team are always there to lend a hand if needed and I feel I could go to them with any queries comfortably. My manager is friendly and approachable, and I wouldn’t hesitate to go to him with any problems either personal or work related. We all work well together and support each other where necessary.

  1. And with the other teams and staff in the business?

The other staff members and teams within the company are equally as supportive. I remember my first week here, I was nervous as had never worked in this type of environment before. The whole protocol family welcomed me with open arms and made me feel comfortable coming into the role. Even to date I could go to anyone on the floor with questions and I know they would do their best to help.

  1. What have you learned from your role so far?

I have learnt so much here already. I have been here roughly 6 months and its been a constant learning process. The company have offered lots of training opportunities and support to help me develop as a recruiter. I feel this role will continue to be full of learning and development opportunities and I am excited to see what the future holds.

  1. Favourite Protocol memory to date?

I don’t really have one specific ‘favourite’ memory. Everyday is different but I can honestly say I haven’t had a bad day working with protocol so far.


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