Recruitment is an industry that sometimes gets a bad rep – unfairly we would argue! Like all industries, there are some bad apples out there, but here at Protocol, we pride ourselves on being one of the “good ones.”

Occasionally, while having a look through social media, we come across “facts” about recruiters that we know are simply not true! We’ve featured a few of them below.

  1. Recruiters never get back to me

If you go for an interview through Protocol, we try our upmost to get feedback from the interviewer and to provide support and advice if you unfortunately haven’t been successful.

Yes, it’s true that at the applicant stage you might not always get a reply, it’s just not physically possible to send a tailored rejection to the hundreds of applications we receive across the hundreds of jobs we have available at any one time.

However we do support every candidate we interact with. Upon registering each candidate receives a call from our dedicated talent team to talk through their job search and assess how we might be able to help.

  1. Recruiters only care about a fee

While every successful business needs to have a mind on making profit for business growth, we put candidate care at the forefront of what we do. We do everything we can to make sure that we find you the right fit. We regard your work happiness as key and do all we can, from providing specialist advice, free CPD, and a personal, tailored approach to your job search to ensure that we can find the right job for you.

  1. Recruitment agencies spam me with irrelevant jobs

Frankly put, we don’t have the time to send emails to every candidate for every job. When you receive an email from us you can be sure it’s based on perimeters we’ve gathered from your profile.

Additionally, when we search for candidates, we do it on several factors including location and area of expertise meaning that you will only ever be contacted about jobs that we think are relevant to you.

  1. Recruitment agencies only support their clients

One of the great things about using an agency like Protocol, is that we can be the middleman and negotiate from a neutral standpoint. Discussing salary with a potential employer can often be difficult, especially if trying to negotiate for a higher salary than what’s offered.

This is just one example of the things that we can do to ensure that we find you the role you’re happy with, even if it means we have the trickier conversations with our clients.

  1. Recruitment is easy – you’re just emailing across my CV.

While some people do have a talent for writing a CV, many of us struggle to really bring out our skills and experience in that format.

We work diligently with our candidates to make sure that your CV really makes you shine and that your qualities are captured in a succinct, but efficient way. Additionally, we are always happy to provide advice on how you can make practical improvements to your CV – whether that be online resources to improve your CPD (like our very own Learning Zone) or areas where you can work on your occupational experience.

Have you come across any other fake news “facts” about recruitment agencies that we have missed? Let us know on Twitter!

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